Lauren Hart


Lauren is a degree qualified naturopath who is dedicated to supporting and empowering women on their journey towards hormonal balance, healthy digestion and radiant, resilient skin. Lauren is constantly inspired when she sees her clients overcoming frustrating symptoms and rediscovering their confidence and vitality.

 In clinic, Lauren believes in a gentle and sustainable approach, placing a strong emphasis on comprehensive testing and evidence-based naturopathic care. She understands that change can be daunting, which is why she is there to guide and support you every step of the way. 

Lauren is dedicated to creating a nurturing environment where you feel heard and understood throughout your journey. Through her expertise and tailored approach, Lauren aims to empower you with the knowledge and resources needed to support your health in the long term.


Lauren is passionate about supporting women with the following conditions:

  • Acne

  • Perioral dermatitis

  • PCOS


  • Irregular, heavy or painful periods

  • Bloating, IBS or food sensitivities

Using herbs, nutritional supplementation, dietary interventions and lifestyle practices, Phoebe would love to support you in feeling better than you have, in as long as you can remember.

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