Ep 3: Fertility, miscarriage & optimising egg quality with Rhiannon Hardingham

Have you repeatedly heard the term “unexplained infertility” and actually would just like someone to explain what that really means? Or maybe you’ve been through the fertility of fertility with recurrent miscarriages and want to find out more about what you can do. Perhaps you just want to find out more about how you can improve your egg quality.

In this episode, Jacinta speaks with one of the leading Naturopath and Fertility Educators Rhiannon Hardingham about the causes of infertility, frequent miscarriage and what you need to do from today to optimise your egg quality.


Rhiannon Hardingham

Rhiannon’s recommendations/references

  • Changing the 1%’s to improve fertility

  • Seeking qualified help from IVF specialists and practitioners

  • Ensuring to eat minimal sugars, but including plenty of healthy fats, good carbohydrate sources and the appropriate amount of protein

  • Cease smoking, reduce alcohol, minimise day-to-day stress

Learn more about Rhiannon via or follow their journey over on Instagram @rhihardingham, and website www.rhiannonhardingham.com and https://www.fertileground.com.au/


Ep 4: Post-Pill Acne: How, why & what to do


Ep 2: What’s causing your Acne & what you need to do about it with Lia Trebilcock