Ep 9: The Acne Series - Part 2: What you need to test to find the cause of your acne

Two of the most common phrases we hear from our clients with acne in their initial consultations are "I've had everything tested and everything is within range" or we hear "I've just been prescribed the pill, doxycyline and roaccutane but I actually haven't had any testing done to figure out what's going on".

Acne is an extremely multi-faceted condition and the answer you need so you can break the viscous cycle of medications and multiple skin treatments is to actually find the cause of what is going on.. and the answers are in your pathology. If there is anything Jacinta is super passionate about when it comes to acne, it's testing and not guessing.

There are so many factors to consider, such as the types of markers being tested, the time and day of your cycle they were tested and the reference range as to which they are compared and interpreted.

For example, did you know that the reference ranges for healthy thyroid function on a blood test actually include the data of individuals who have a thyroid disease? So a reference range that is classified as a healthy demographic may actually include the statistics of individuals with a diagnosed condition (which you are essentially being compared against).

In this podcast, Jacinta covers:

  • 5:59 - Basic biochemistry, liver function and nutritional status testing for acne

  • 10:46 - Metabolic function testing for acne - How do actually identify insulin resistance

  • 14:00 - Hormone testing for acne - Which markers and what day in your cycle

  • 21:43 - Assessment of your stress response

  • 24:49 - Testing the gut



Ep 10: The Acne Series - Part 3: Understanding the pros & cons of Doxycyline in Acne, Rosacea & POD with Jacinta Barbagallo


Ep 8: The Acne Series - Part 1: Top 5 reasons you aren't getting long-lasting results with your acne treatments